Mollom: Final Thoughts

Well, I’ve had the Mollom plug-in enabled on my drupal installation for 25 days. Before Mollom I had several blog entries which had comments enabled, and I had left them open for months. Needless to say, I had a ton of spam.

After looking around for a solution I found the Mollom plug-in and decided to give it a try. The service worked great. I used the free version, there are also paid versions, and didn’t have any troubles. All I did was “set it and forget it”, Mollom did the rest.

Over the course of 25 days, Mollom blocked over 5,364 spam posts. I also posted some test submissions myself (not logged in of course) and it was able to distinguish just fine.

I would highly recommend the Mollom plug-in to anyone maintaining a website with comments/posts that allow user feedback. The plug-in is available for a wide variety of systems, and you can check them out at their website: