My Favorite 9/11 Memories

I know this probably sounds ridiculous. How can you have any “favorite” memories of such a horrible day?

Well, I’m a complete and total optimist. Generally, I try to think positive and I try not to focus on most of those memories of watching the plans crash, etc. Not that I want to forget them, but I just don’t want to focus on them. Remember. Stay positive.

Anyways, I didn’t post any 9/11 stuff earlier today, but I heard Lee Greenwood “God Bless the USA” tonight and I got to thinking about it again. As previously stated, I generally think of myself as a positive and optimistic person (and a sports nut), and listening to that particular song; you think about all the greatness that abounds us in this Country we call home.

Down below, I’ve linked to some of my favorite memories related to the 9/11 tragedy. Just a simple reminder of how we always pull through; no matter how terrible or trying the situation. Remember, life is always good, we live in the greatest Country on Earth.