Twitter Read Later

Twitter needs a “read later” button. I can save to pocket via the web, and “favorite” isn’t what I want to do with most tweets.

I end up RTing stuff to read later so I don’t forget. Share via email isn’t handy either. Guess this is where RSS excelled delivering news.

I already use Pocket for some articles and really like the app. However, I can’t save to Pocket via Hootsuite (my main social media tool of choice), and I’m really bad about going back to read Pocket. I guess maybe if I commit to it more, I’d be more likely to check it more frequently.

I’ve also been just opening the links to articles and leaving the tabs open in my browser. Then, I use Chrome’s multi-device tab syncing to open a link from my phone browser on my desktop machine (or other device) later (or vice-versa).

So, maybe in the end, Twitter doesn’t need a “read later” button. Sounds like I need to iron out my personal news reading workflow. Still, I kinda like the idea of my Twitter news being attached to my Twitter account somehow since the Twitter app is/was the source of the news I was going to read.