It’s Complicated

Since we’re on the verge of tonight’s unprecedented series, and what is likely the first of many games of high importance between the Cards and Cubs over the next few years, I feel the need to make this post.

I want the Cardinals to win the World Series EVERY year. I get excited and nervous EVERY postseason series, regardless of the opponent or number of times weve been, because if you lose it means no Cardinal baseball until spring. A sad, sad, situation in my world.

The key difference this year? We’re playing the Cubs in the postseason. I know so many Cub fans. IF the Cubs win, which is very possible, please know that I will NEVER root for the Cubs even if the Cardinals are out. Sorry, I’m just telling the truth. As a lifelong Cards fan, in a rivalry with deep roots, I just wouldn’t feel right rooting for Chicago. I would never expect a Cub fan to root for us either.

However, I will be extremely happy for all of the Cub fans I know. Baseball is/was the first sport for many of us, and we love it more than anything. A majority of Cub fans I know are amazing fans who deserve to experience the joy of the Cubs winning it all.

So, while I may not ever root for your team, just know that I will be genuinely happy for all of you. I think that’s fair, right? I know, I know, it’s complicated. Then again, isn’t everything complicated in the Cards vs Cubs rivalry?