Motorola Xoom Pricing Revealed?

I’ve been eagerly anticipating the pricing information for the new Android tablets that were shown off at CES.  Around the time CES was happening, I tweeted that I felt Xoom (and other Andorid tablet) pricing needed to be “nearly half the price of iPad” to succeed.  Today, Mashable and Android Central, are reporting a retail price of $800 for the new Motorola tablet.

Well, if true, I think the pricing here is a HUGE mistake by Motorola.  Sure, they’ll sell tablets to hardcore Android folks who are willing to shell out the cash, but they’ll miss the mainstream market.  Here are the reasons why:


Why pay as much or more for this tablet when I can get an iPad?  Apple has always been notoriously more expensive than competitors, now you’re going to let them out price you, or best case scenario, match their pricing? Again, HUGE mistake.


Motorola is losing the price battle, and not allowing multiple purchase options?  Android is usually for those who want options, who want to have multiple purchasing options.  Again, with the Xoom, will we only have one options?  Sounds like Motorola is doing a little role reversal with Apple on this product.


The iPad has been out for year, and if you’re in the market for a tablet, you probably know someone who has one and I can just about bet they love the thing.  I mean who wouldn’t, its a nice, new, shiny gadget.  Seriously, everyone I’ve talked to who owns one, absolutely loves theirs.


Are you going to have a bevy of Android tablet optimized apps to choose from out of the gate?  Probably not, but you know there are already a slew of iPad apps available.

iPad 2

Rumors have been rumbling for quite some time about iPad 2.  I have a feeling that when most people see the sticker price of what is supposed to the best Android tablet; they’ll hold off and see pricing for the iPad.

Read my past postings, and you’ll know I love Android and open source.  I know the hardware is excellent on this device, that said, you’re running an open source OS…and still getting out priced by Apple with their proprietary iOS.  What’s wrong with this picture?