Mindless Voters

Here is one of my biggest political complaints….mindless voters!  As mid-term elections approach, and political campaigns get more and more cut-throat, we really get to see it all.  My biggest complaint about election season has to be the politicians themselves.   But, if you read the title, that’s not what this post is about.  Nope, this post is about the second most annoying thing on my election season list.  And, that would be mindless voters!

You know who mindless voters are, they’re those people that only vote for politicians based on the letter (or party affiliation) next to their name on the ballot.  Yep, I’m sure I called out quite a few folks on that one.  But, seriously, do you agree with EVERY [insert political party here] candidate for EVERY race on the ballot?  Seriously?  You must be joking.  Look, I’m not saying it can’t happen, cause I’m sure it does.  Maybe the stars did align, and EVERY candidate for your party of choice just happens to be the best fit for EVERY office on the ballot.  But, deep down, you know you’re just a mindless voter; voting for people based purely on party affiliation.

Now, I understand that is your right to vote however you wish.  But, I’ll contend that this is how we got ourselves into this current political mess.  Well, that, and the mindless politicians.  Combine mindless voters, you know, the ones who stick the campaign sign(s) of EVERY candidate from [insert political party here] in their yard.  Then, add mindless politicians who have to “pay back” votes in order to repay those who help them get elected, and we have ourselves an extremely ineffective government.

So, what was the point of this post? Do your research before you hit the polls on election day, and make your vote really count!