I don’t want to sound un-American, but these 2010 Winter Olympics can end any time now.
I love sports, and I’ve already eluded to my disappointment with the lack of sports this time of year. However, many of these Olympic events are unbelieveably boring and some are questionable sports (luge anyone?).
I think my biggest problem with the Olympics is that it cramps my normal television routine. I don’t watch a ton of tv, but this time of year is definitely when I watch it the most. With that said, having something as ridiculous as the Olympics forcing reruns or other programming to be played on the other major networks; is absolutely annoying.
Fortunately, I can play the ol’ xbox 360 to help kill off the fortnight of Olympic coverage. Despite my annoyance with the Olympics, I’m still happy the USA is winning plenty of medals…just get off my television…and do it quickly!