So fresh and so clean clean
Well, except for the 5 o’clock shadow.
Holiday Delivery
Delivered a Thanksgiving Day newspaper to friends of ours in town. I told them no need to pay me, but they insisted. Paid handsomely in canned goods. Thankful for great friends!
Snow Patrol
We ready! I love snow…wonder why?
Operation Chunky Monkey: Day 55
Subtract another 10lbs. Been a hot minute since I could call the 180s home. Squeaking in there this morning. 30lbs down about 5 more to go!
The Tale of Two Wolves
Awesome. Love it.
Election Day Mood
Now that’s what I’m talking about.
Badlands Superday Pack
Finally got tired of spending 30-40 bucks every few years on a mediocre hunting pack that eventually falls apart. Stoked to get this Badlands pack ready to rock.
Props to Oakwood Jr. High, I dig it.
Operation Chunky Monkey: Day 38
Awwwww Shheeeeeeiiitt, made it to goal one (break the two hundo mark). Down 20lbs, now for Goal #2: 185.
Good Riddance
Final mow of the season tonight. Mowed my fucking face off this year. Thanked my mower for all the quality time spent together this year.