Goodbye Old Friend
I said goodbye to an old friend today…but I just met my new BFF! Thanks to Owen Motorsports for the new unit!
Fat Kid at Heart
When you give a fat kid at heart a blender…this is what he puts into Google searches.
Grind Yo Ass
When your hunting season has sucked so far…you grind yo ass late season. On the bright side, downsized my 20′ trailer to a new 12′ Sure-trac a few weeks ago & it has been a huge upgrade. Much easier to navigate the back country roads and get a ton more use out of the ATV/UTV.
Fall Vibes
Fall is a year-round mood for me. The fall train rolls on with a Sam Adams glass filled with a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie.
Hot Shot Hand Warmer
One of the best pieces of hunting gear that I have ever purchased is this little “Hot Shot” hand warmer/muff. I would NOT survive too many late season hunts, like I have the last few days, without this guy. Also works great at cold outdoor sporting events. Throw a chemical hand warmer in there too…
Dem Jeans
A Christmas gift that helped put the last few months of eating better into perspective (38″ > 34″)