Tag: baseball

  • Nolan Ryan

    This guy. Seriously one of the best. Still love how he beat down Ventura as an old fella. Post by Dugout Legends.

  • The Sleeve

    Wow, this is absolutely fascinating technology for baseball and pitchers specifically. The Sleeve That Could Save Baseball: Exclusive Look at New MLB Technology

  • Trade Rumors: David Price to St. Louis Cardinals

    We are at that point in the MLB season where trade rumors start to fly. One of the biggest ones involves David Price potentially coming to the St. Louis Cardinals. Of course, there is a lot of speculation going on here at this time. Dan Buffa, over at Arch City Sports, posted a pretty good…

  • Time for a 6 man rotation in St. Louis?

    With a few of the St. Louis Cardinals starting pitchers battling fatigue, injury, youth and/or a protected number of innings…seems like a no-brainer to go to a 6 man rotation right? Here is why I say yes it makes perfect sense. The Cardinals had a legit 6 starters ready for big league pitching when spring…

  • 2014 MLB All-Star Vote: Molina vs Lucroy

    I was thinking about this topic after the news of the Milwaukee Brewer’s campaign to get their cather Jonathan Lucroy to the All-Star game instead of Yadier Molina. I started looking into the subject to see if there was a valid point for Lucroy over Molina. Obviously I am completely bias towards Molina. However, I…

  • 2014 St. Louis Cardinals: Peter Bourjos vs Jon Jay – Part 2

    Okay, I know I’ve been beating this thing to a pulp about Jon Jay and Peter Bourjos. But, I just couldn’t help but revisit the situation after the last few weeks and after I read an excellent article over at Cards Conclave: http://www.cardsconclave.com/2014/06/18/true-jon-jay/ After reading the article, here were my thoughts: The real problem is we’re…

  • Rest in Peace Mr. Padre

    Fun fact and favorite memory about Tony Gwynn: I saw hit number 2,999 in St. Louis at Busch Stadium. The same night Mark McGwire hit HRs number 500 & 501 of his career. I believe there were 7-8 of us that went and had numbers painted on our chests for 500 & 3,000.  While my…

  • Big League Chew

    Big League Chew

    Every Little Leaguer loved this stuff back in the day.

  • Certain Places, Certain Memories

    You know how certain places and certain times of year trigger memories? Well I just had one of those moments coming off I-74 taking the Gilbert exit and then looking over to the right to see Danville Stadium. I haven’t been that way for years and I seriously got goosebumps thinking about those regional baseball…

  • Parents of Kids Who Pitch

    Parents of kids who pitch: please get this app when it becomes available. This app, created with the help of Dr. James Andrews, will make the info easily accessible, easy to understand, and you’ll be armed with valuable information. Oh yeah, and tell all your coaches too because most of them don’t have a clue.…