Tag: baseball

  • The Machine

    AP is the greatest RH hitter, not associated with steroids, that I’ve seen in my lifetime. “The Machine” was a fitting nickname cause the dude was unstoppable. First ballot HOFer. Thankful to watch him all those years as a member of the Cardinals. https://www.facebook.com/MLBonFOX/photos/a.612211595559231/1308504282596622/

  • Powernet


    Best money you can spend if your kid loves baseball or softball. Powernet (7′ x 7′) cost less than $80 and setup/teardown is less than 5 minutes.

  • Ranking MLB Stadiums

    Great list and I like how he “groups” the stadiums versus ranks them. Hard to rank historical places with new parks. Camden Yards and PNC are tops on my list to visit. I think he let his Kansas City bias influence his thoughts on that park. While I have not been there, I don’t know…

  • Cards Yanks

    “Since the Yankees’ first in 1923, the two franchises have won more than a third of the 93 World Series and at least one of them has appeared in more than half of the last century of World Series. Eleven of the 22 World Series since the players’ strike have featured the Cardinals or the…

  • Better Start

    Wish the Cards could’ve won the series. They definitely had plenty of chances. Overall, REALLY happy with how they look out of the gate this year versus last year.

  • Pine Tar

    Time to drop some baseball knowledge. Pitchers use pine tar on the regular. Use too much, and the ball can stick to stuff. https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/06/27/baseball-pitchers-want-better-grip-not-competitive-advantage/eff5pPyQsnHTnZJP4cA79I/story.html

  • Jake Arrieta

    I’ve heard a ton of Cubs fans say Arrieta isn’t worth the money he’s likely asking, but I don’t know if they’ll find better on the free agent market. I would pay to keep him.

  • Happy Opening Day

    My man Tyler Farr said it best: “Home of the brave, baseball, and ice cold beer, it’s pretty clear, why we live here” Go CARDS!

  • Yadi


    The Cardinals lock this guy up for a few more years! Yadi likely playing his entire career as a member of the Cardinals is so sweet.

  • MLB The Show

    MLB The Show

    Baseball overload tonight! MLB the Show has arrived and a fantasy baseball draft. Booyah!