Tag: Football

  • NFL Draft

    The Niners haven’t picked yet so I won’t make fun of the Bears, but DAMN!

  • Grange Grove

    Grange Grove

    The ghosts, “Galloping Ghost”, come out at night. Grange Grove looks cool lit up at night.

  • Joe Montana

    Joe Montana

    The GOAT. 4-0 in Super Bowls. 13 TDs (11 passing, 2 rushing) , 0 INT. Greatest career passer rating in Super Bowl history. He set records that took Brady 6+ Super Bowls to surpass in a pass happy league.

  • Frank the Tank

    My man, Frank Gore! I miss him on the Niners so much. Amazing career considering he blew out an ACL as a sophomore at Miami. https://www.ninersnation.com/2017/1/1/14140138/frank-gore-oldest-running-back-john-riggins-1000-rushing-yards

  • Patriots Dominance

    Watching the Pats destroy team after team with any QB off the street just confirms my thoughts about Brady being one of the most overrated QBs of all-time. At the same time, it has given me more respect for Belichick & the Patriots organization.

  • Kaepernick Continued

    I know people are tired of hearing about Kap, and I don’t blame you. However, I think there’s been an interesting transition on this topic. He’s donating a million dollars to the issues for which he has been trying to bring awareness. He also met with a former Green Beret Nate Boyer. Boyer suggested he…

  • Lovie Smith

    I watched this segment on ESPN yesterday morning. Awesome having ESPN on our campus to talk football! I think Lovie is a great coach and I’m so happy to have him coaching the Illini. We’ve had a slew of nice recruits commit recently and I haven’t been this excited about Illinois football in a long…

  • Kneeling

    I think Kap is a phenomenal athlete and I think it’s great he’s got the courage to stand up for his beliefs on such an important issue. However, I wish he’d chosen another route. While you’re making a protest for racial inequality, you’re also disrespecting all people of color who have served in the military,…

  • Colin Kaepernick

    I don’t agree with his choice of protest, but 100% respect him for voicing his opinion. Kap is a much deeper dude than people realize. He was adopted and raised by white parents who encouraged him to embrace his identity as a black man in this country. He has an interesting perspective that shouldn’t be…

  • Peanut Tillman

    Peanut Tillman was a heck of a football player. He also won the Walter Payton Man of the Year award for his work off the field in the Chicago area. Wish he could’ve got a ring cause he left it all on the field. He obviously had a great sense of humor too cause this…