Tag: Football

  • This game could get ugly…

    I have a feeling this Colts game gets ugly tonight. Sorry Colts fans!

  • The NFL is hard to watch

    Brutal officiating hands the Seahawks yet another win. Remember the Fail Mary? All of the horrible subjective rules such as this one, the catch rule, pass interference, etc, etc are making the NFL hard to watch. Again, enter this as another reason baseball is the closest thing we have to a perfect sport. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/10/5/9460055/nfl-blown-call-lions-seaha…

  • Did the Colts trade for Jay Cutler?

    Did the Colts trade for Jay Cutler? WOW.

  • That’s funny right there…

    I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there… http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/9/27/9404961/tom-brady-kiss-robert-k…

  • 49ers Blackout

    49ers Blacked Out! Image courtesy of San Francisco 49ers Facebook page.

  • Navarro Bowman is back!

    Navarro Bowman is back! ‪#‎MON5T3R‬ Everybody is down on Kap and the Niners, but I’m no fair weather fan. Go Niners! Image courtesy of Navarro Bowman Facebook page.

  • Teddy Roosevelt Saved Football

    Add saving football to the long list of reasons why Teddy Roosevelt is one of the greatest people who ever walked this earth. “I believe in rough games and in rough, manly sports. I do not feel any particular sympathy for the person who gets battered about a good deal so long as it is…

  • Pick at the Stick

    Navarro Bowman’s “Pick at the Stick”. Pick 6 to seal the last game at Candlestick Park. Photo courtesy of San Francisco 49ers Facebook page.

  • Fanduel

    I had a ton of fun playing FanDuel daily fantasy football games last year. All you fantasy football players out there should check it out. My first year I basically broke even, spent about 40-50, won about 40-50. I was really close to winning a few hundred once or twice on $2-5 plays. A different way to…

  • Bay Area Bizarre

    March 9, 2015 may be one of the wildest and most bizarre days ever for San Francisco 49ers fans. Where to begin… Based on reports the night before we thought Frank Gore was all but gone to the Eagles. Only to find out he got cold feet and who knows where he’ll end up at…