Tag: quote

  • The Tale of Two Wolves

    The Tale of Two Wolves

    Awesome. Love it.

  • OJHS


    Props to Oakwood Jr. High, I dig it.

  • Hard Work

    Hard Work

    Word. Best life lesson I learned from my old man was a hardcore work ethic. Crazy how many people think you can be successful without one.

  • The name on the front

    The name on the front

    Another amazing quote from Baseballism

  • Teddy Quote

    “The true still-hunter should be a lover of nature as well as of sport, or he will miss half the pleasure of being in the woods.” – Theodore Roosevelt, “Hunting Trips of a Ranchman”

  • Hard Work

    Hard Work

    Yes! True in all things, not just baseball. Baseballism has some great gear, check them out!

  • AI

    AI was my favorite of that generation of players who came after Jordan, Barkley, Magic and Bird. He was never fake, had tremendous heart, and I’d argue he might be the best pound-for-pound player ever in the NBA. He took a garbage 76ers team all the way to the finals vs the Shaq Kobe Lakers…

  • Value of a Vote

    “I value my vote more than giving it to the lesser of two evils. How many times have you and your friends sat around, talked politics, and said ‘well I voted for this person because I thought they were the lesser or the least damaging of two options’? I’ve done that. I’m done with it.…

  • Successful Warrior

    Bruce’s page (managed by his daughter) is worth a follow for his awesome quotes and photos.  

  • Hoosiers

    You know how certain lines from certain movies are so good, you NEVER get tired of them? This is one of those lines and one of those movies. ‎Throwback Thursday‬ appropriate given it’s release 30 years ago! “Listen this the last shot that we got. We’re gonna run the picket fence at ’em. Merle you’re the swing…