Tag: quote

  • Thinking and Talking

    Thinking and Talking

    Awesome quote and I think it’s true. Photo courtesy of The Economist

  • Measure of a Man

    Measure of a Man

    Dr. King was a master with words. I’ve seen a lot of good quotes of his that I don’t recall seeing before today. I love this one.

  • Jack

    “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!” Image courtesy of The Nightmare Before Christmas

  • The Greatest Country in the World!

    I love living with the freedom and opportunity we have in this country. Proud to live in the greatest country in the world! Happy Independence Day!

  • Measure a Man’s Success

    Measure a Man’s Success

    I think this is a very accurate quote from General Patton. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army Facebook page.

  • Bruce Lee Inspiration

    Bruce Lee Inspiration

    You want some inspiration and wisdom in your life? You should like Bruce Lee’s Facebook page which is run by his daughter Shannon. He has some amazing quotes and had a wonderful perspective on life. Photo courtesy of the Bruce Lee Facebook Page.

  • Manly Movie Quotes

    Fantastic list of manly movie quotes from Popular Mechanics. Now I’m going to have to re-watch a few of these gems. No surprise Clint makes a few appearances. Dirty Harry would be an easy choice off of here, but these were my favorites: #10: “This life’s hard, man, but it’s harder if you’re stupid.” #20:…

  • Life’s A Dance

    Today’s words of wisdom: “The longer I live the more I believe you do have to give if you wanna receive. There’s a time to listen, a time to talk, and you might have to crawl even after you’ve walked. Had sure things blow up in my face, seen the long shot win the race.…

  • Great Quote List

    Quite a few good ones on this list, but I love this Bruce Lee quote. http://thechive.com/2014/03/04/we-could-all-use-some-sage-wisdom-45-photos/

  • Pickup Man

    The lyric of this Joe Diffie tune definitely applies to me: “You can set my truck on fire and roll it down a hill and I still wouldn’t trade it for a Coupe de Ville”